Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Summer nights (and some aren't)

As a kid growing up in southern California, summer mornings usually started out with a layer of marine air--aka fog--followed by a midday burn off and some haze and warmth. Here however, the mornings of summer are mostly like the rest of the year--a guessing game. The sun may come out or it may not. But lately we've had summer days like the ones I remember as a kid. The fog. The burn off. The warmth. And here? There's an added bonus. The sun stays up till 9 p.m. and we get sunsets like this! (and the rivers aren't made of cement)


Ame said...

wow . . . . .


amazing God!

Anonymous said...

That's a great sky. I really love the natural foliage framing it too. Beautiful.

Mojo said...

Very cool shot! (And I love the title too). Great composition and nice handling of a tricky exposure too. Sky, sun and water... almost always a good combination. And the "framing" somebody else has already mentioned is a nice bonus. Excellent work!

Lori said...

Lovely, John. The water is so still and I love the sunset's reflection there. Looks like a place I'd love to be.

Rose said...


Cheryl said...

So serene! I miss those late-night Northwest sunsets.

Happy Fourth!

smarmoofus said...

First off, the title of this post is clever and amusing.

Second, this picture is beautiful... the water is so smooth! And I love the way the sunset is framed by the foliage in the foreground. Great shot!
