Saturday, December 14, 2013

Christmas nonsense

Christmas is nonsense. It's for fools and charlatans. It's outlandish to think that God exists, much less that he sent his son to the earth as a baby to live among us and teach us things like love and kindness and sacrifice and then to die to wipe our slates clean. All these songs and and stories and quotations of how Jesus is real and still with us? The celebration of Christmas is wrought with improbable, unprovable nonsense. It's enough to turn one's stomach. My head is getting light just in the writing of it. It's ridiculous! realize it is love.

Love is nonsense. It's for fools and charlatans. It's outlandish to think that it exists, much less that it teaches us to love and to be kind and to sacrifice. It even washes our slate clean. All these songs and stories and quotations of how love is real and still with us? The celebration of love is wrought with improbable, unprovable nonsense. It's enough to turn one's stomach. My head is getting light just in the writing of it. It's ridiculous!! KNOW it for yourself.

Happy Christmas all you fellow fools and charlatans.

I LOVE God for giving us Jesus AND love.