Tuesday, February 28, 2006

If I had a penny...

...I'd toss it in the wishing well and wish I were your wishing well. So I could softly listen to words inside your dreams and watch your eyes glisten in the silence of the schemes. So that I'd feel your hopefulness and the yearnings of your heart. . . so that I could know how to love you.

If only I had a penny.


Anonymous said...

can you whisper that in my ear when I see you later?

Pete Vander Meulen said...

Thought I'd throw my two cents into the arena bro. In Salt Lake City right now waiting for the sun to come up in the morning before another 3 amigos (Roy / Chris / I ) head to yellowstone. Started a blog for that one. Thot you might be interested in watching from the sidelines: http://socalsnomobiling.blogspot.com

Pete Vander Meulen said...

oops: it's http://socalsnowmobiling.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is beautiful John...I had no idea.