For the first time in a long time, it's going to be a white Christmas here!
I have a thing for snow. I love it. Oh sure, it's terrible to drive in and it turns people around me into insufferable drivers, but it's still one of my favorite things. I don't know if it's because I never saw it as a kid and that allows me to be kidlike in my excitement, or if it's just because there's just nothing else like a newfallen snow.
We have been blanketed in white for a week now and I still pull back the shades in my front window now and then just to gawk and marvel.
If you've read here before you know how I dislike silence. Well, silence as a form of response, anyway. But this silence? This snowy silence? It's one of the best things that exists! When the sound of your own breath catches you off-guard and seems like an intrusion...THAT kind of silence is where wonder begins and takes hold.
Tonight is a silent night. Holy night. Let the wonder begin. Let it take hold...of your heart.
"Let the wonder begin . . ."
yes ;)
Merry Christmas, John
My brother is snowed under in Seattle...his pictures are amazing!
A new fallen snow is beautiful, and there is no other kind of silence like the "Still, still, still".
It is a night filled with wonder, indeed.
Wishing you a wonderful, magical and Merry Christmas, John.
Though it's still a few hours away....Happy New Year's, John.
The sound of silence has been too long...missing your writing!
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