Sunday, June 18, 2006

Little Boy Thoughts

There's a lot of little boy in me, still. I recognized him this morning at church through the fuzziness that tears make when they hang there on the edge of my eye. I was missing my dad. He took us kids to church for the first sixteen or so years of our lives. Never mind that he did it religiously, he did it faithfully. I saw how much my lack of respect for this faithfulness hurt him sometimes. It made me sad.

What I wouldn't give to have him put his arm around me and let me know that I'm doing okay. This father thing is the hardest thing I've ever done. I would put my arm around him and tell him that he did well by me. With the perspective I've gained since being a dad myself, I would tell him how much I admire him now.

The little boy in me will never stop missing him. I have my dad's eyes, and right now they're full of tears.


Anonymous said...

He did what he could do with what he had. He crafted a living out of a few coins in his poicket. But more importantly to me; he brought me a couple of life long freinds that I would have otherwised missed. My life is better because of Walter. I admire him as well.

And...he admires you I'm sure.


Steph said...

He knew all of this without you having to tell him. You know the times you struggle with your son? If you were to step back and from the outside look in, you would see a dad who is setting an example of faithfulness to his children. If it were your best friend struggling you would say, "You're doing an incredible job, and although they may not show it now, they are leasrning from you and will be better for it" (As a matter of fact, I think you've said soemthing very similar to me).
Your dad had the same insight. He saw a boy who may not have had the desired amount of respect back then, but knew what you could not have known at the time - probably after having the same kind of experience with his own father - that you would grow into the Godly, loving and respectful man that you are, thanks to his example. He knew. Guarantee it. :)