Wednesday, September 27, 2006

a leaf

The wind which had coursed through my veins for the past few weeks finally got the best of me. Try as I might, with all my might, I could hold on no longer. So let go I did and had I but known what a ride I was in for, I'd have done so much sooner. On the wind I spun and twirled and danced with delight to a destination unknown. And in the midst of my dizzying fall, me in all my color, I glanced back to see the others left hanging. Green. With envy.


Slim said...

Did you write that?

John said...

WIP~ yeah. Sort of on a whim.

Slim said...

Wow. I'm impressed. Nice job

Anonymous said...

John, Did you write it on a "whim" or on a "limb". In any case...I really like it... a lot. Mark

John said...

Thanks guys! You're too kind.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mind Reader,

I agree it is a lovely poem. I must be honest here. I thought for sure as you were talking about the wind coursing through your veins (and it got the best of you, etc.) I was sure you were going to say that as a UPS man (right?) you finally gave up the shorts and had to switch to long pants but no, it ended being a lovely poem as it started. Thanks.


Lori said...

I've been going back through your older posts and came across this. I absolutely love it. are quite a writer. Very impressive!